Mailing list members are individuals that have joined a given list to receive periodic emails, such as weekly newsletters. In case the mailing list management software that is used to manage the list allows it, you can also add members manually, but in this case such email messages may be accepted as unsolicited and reported as spam by the recipients. Traditionally, these mailing list members can unsubscribe from a mailing list by clicking on a link in the messages they get, or you, as the mailing list admin, can manually delete them if they make such a request or in case you decide that some of the members should not belong to the list anymore. Each mailing list member will see only their address in the "To" field of the email messages they receive, but not the addresses of the other mailing list members.

Mailing List Members in Cloud Hosting

Administering the subscribers for any mailing list set up in a cloud hosting account with our company is stunningly easy. We rely on a fully featured piece of software called Majordomo – one of the most popular mailing list client apps for setting up and administering mailing lists available on the market. It will permit you to include, to delete or to view all the mailing list members by simply sending an email to Freshly added users have to verify their membership, so you can’t just add a mailbox and start sending out regular emails to it using a mailing list without the user’s categorical permission. Should you encounter any problems, we have a detailed instructional article in the Email Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that is included with each and every account, as well as a 24/7 customer care staff, which will assist you with any questions with regards to the mailing list features.