In regards to hosting, cloud architecture refers to using a separate server for every single part of the Internet hosting service. Such a setup results in greater performance since one machine will be used just for file storage, another one just for running databases, and so on, which means that different system processes will not run on the same machine. This will minimize the probability of system errors substantially and will allow your Internet sites to operate faster, not mentioning the greater uptime. If you are looking for this type of service, you should double check that you will really find it as lots of companies advertise cloud web hosting plans, yet the control panels they use are not designed to function in a real cloud and can function only on one server. The problem with using just a single machine is that if one service fails or generates high load, the entire server will possibly go offline, so your websites will no longer be accessible.

Genuine Cloud Architecture in Cloud Hosting

The shared Internet hosting service that we provide uses a genuine cloud platform and you can use its complete potential and experience its advantages from the in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, that was created exclusively for it. We have clusters of servers managing every single aspect of the web hosting service such as files, stats, databases, Control Panel, emails, etc., so you will practically never experience any downtime of your Internet sites even for maintenance. The system resources available to you will be virtually inexhaustible since we can add more hard disk drives for more space or entire servers for additional processing power to any of the clusters when needed. In case you get one of our shared web hosting solutions, you will use a very fast, stable and reliable hosting service on a real cloud platform.