Anytime you upload information on a web hosting server, it takes a certain amount of space on the hard disk drive dependent on its particular size. If you run a script-driven internet site which keeps its data in a database, you will need more disk space, the more people use it. For example, in case you have a discussion forum, the greater number of opinions people share, the greater the database will get. Messages, particularly ones having attachments, also need some space in the site hosting account. The disk space quota that you receive with any cloud hosting supplier is the total amount of information you may have at any given moment, it contains website files, e-mail messages plus databases. Likewise, a computer has a hard disk and the programs installed on it as well as all the documents and / or music files that you generate or download require disk space, which cannot exceed the overall capacity of your hard disk.

Disk Space in Cloud Hosting

In order to match the processing performance behind all our cloud web hosting plans, we've considered and applied the perfect option for the disk space - your hosting account is not made using a single server, but on a cluster platform. For that reason, what we have developed is a whole collection of servers which is dedicated to the file storing only, consequently you should never concern yourself with running out of HDD space and having to move to another server because your current one is unable to accommodate more content. Whenever an additional space is necessary, we simply add more machines to the cluster, so that the hard drive space is practically inexhaustible. Still, all our cloud hosting are designed to be employed for websites, not for an archive of large files. We have different machines for the databases and the e-mails.

Disk Space in VPS

For our VPS, we provide sufficient disk storage for all of your content that matches the rest of the server features, so a more expensive package includes a greater allowance. You'll be able to use the storage as you see fit, because there're no particular allowances for your web site files, emails or databases - all of them share the whole disk space of the server. Yet, in case you would like to have some restrictions, you'll be able to acquire your VPS package with cPanel or DirectAdmin as the hosting Control Panel, and you can generate hosting accounts with a restricted volume of disk storage for each individual domain name that you host on your server. In case you'd like to have more storage at some point, you are able to easily upgrade your plan with several clicks and then the additional features will be added to your current account, so that you will not be expected to migrate anything and all your sites will stay up and running.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

Because of the hdd storage space that we provide with all of our dedicated hosting services, we warrant that you will be able to run any type of website irrespective of its capacity. You'll receive at least 500 GB storage space, which you're able to employ as you see fit - even for personal file storage. As standard, you'll have two separate hard disks, which can be employed separately, so as to make use of their overall capacity, or they can be used in RAID so that one will mirror the other one in real time to guarantee that you'll not lose crucial info in case of a hardware fail. You're also given the option to include additional HDDs to upgrade the total HDD space you can use even more. This will allow you to make a file or image depository portal without any problems if you'd like. When using the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we provide, you'll be able to create an independent account for each and every site that you host on your server and pre-set an allowance for the space it can use. When you get the third alternative, our tailor-made Hepsia Control Panel, all of your domains will be managed in one place and they will share the overall server HDD storage space.